
I have to say a HUGE thank you to you Brendan. I've learned a lot from you in these last 30 days and I'm now at a point where I love working out and I'm starting to get used to eating clean all the time. I still struggle sometimes but as you said, this was only 30 days.  I will keep going with this healthy lifestyle! So THANK YOU for your knowledge, your insight and advice through the 30 days.  Your constant motivation! I have friends asking me about your challenge now! I lost 11 inches in 30 days which totally amazes me!  Can't wait to see where I will be in 30 days from now!

– Becca

I want to thank you so much because this has given me hope and confidence. I was at a point in my life where I was so worried, I had gained so much weight in the last couple years it had made me depressed. And I tried so many things to help me lose. They would work, I'd lose weight, but then I would give up and the weight came back. I had to stop making excuses. I wanted a healthy life, i didn't want to feel depressed  over what I looked like. Since I became a nurse my schedule has always been all over the place, working two jobs, my sleeping was not normal I would work till 12 and have to be up for 4 the next day to go to another job. And sometimes I find myself working all day and night, doing a double. I never made time for myself. This time I made it work, I made the gym fit in. You have a hectic schedule, but you make it work. The excuses stopped. If I want to lose weight it's me who has to push through it and stop giving up. Watching your videos and reading the book you suggested, made that really sink in. It's me who has to change and really want this.
Now I love working out, hitting the gym is actually turned into a stress reliever for me. And I have stuck with the diet change. You have taught me so much in the last month. I know there is so much more to learn, but it's a start. Thank you once again, I appreciate everything you have given me to work with.You are an amazing role model. I hope to continually learn from you.

– Jessie

I'm defiantly going to stick with this... The fact that I haven't had cravings for junk was a surprise and i don’t have any intent to eat garbage anymore... SO I think this was great!!The gym has been put into my daily schedule (which never was before, and feels like shit if I don't go). And the best part of this is that the people that see me everyday notice a change (not a huge change, but it’s only the beginning)

– Amanda