A couple years ago, during the first trials of my online fitness challenges I provided clients with meal plans. There were times I had clients ask questions like; "Brendan, how do I cook that? How am I to make these?"
It became clear in order to maximize my teachings and insure that each client was optimizing their meal plans, I had to demonstrate how to cook some of the meals. What once started as a small group of eager minds, has now become a kitchen classroom movement!
My cooking classroom's are filled with eager minds who wish to learn new cooking skills and educate themselves on alternative ingredients from our staple "Western traditional diet". My goal is to offer choices and selections. A healthy meal doesn't have to look or sound boring.
Each cooking class I prepare and demonstrate various drinks, snacks, meals and desserts which are satisfying to our taste buds and still fulfill our nutrient requirements without sacrificing taste. The best part, each guest gets to sample everything that is made.
Take home pamphlets are given out to each guest, and a segment during the class is for the discussion of holistic and functional medicine, learning about foods which can be used for medicinal purposes.
Be sure to bring a friend to the next class, the both of you will learn a lot and enjoy your time!
To sign up: Click on the register button above